Saturday, September 27, 2008

June 11, 2008 Kelly's News

We went to the neurologist yesterday and they finally made a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. My heart had been telling me that CP was going to be it….but I was hoping and praying for a better answer.
CP is basically a waste basket for all kinds of brain damage. It means that she has motor planning issues and she will surely have problems with walking (if she ever does) and more than likely a severe speech problem.
Kelly is very smart, so we know that she understands us….it will just be really hard for her to express herself in a normal way.
Please keep us in your prayers, as my heart breaks thinking of her needing a wheelchair and never being able to sing a song.
We are believing that the Lord will protect her and keep her from the brain damage getting any worse (as it tends to do through the teenage years)
I love you all very much and really do lean on and count on your support, love and prayers to help us through this.
Thanks so much for loving and caring so much for Kelly….she is a very lucky little girl.
Love, Becky

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